Consistent online experience thanks to pattern library
It is becoming increasingly important for the AMAG Group to position itself successfully on digital channels and to present its products and services in a professional and consistent manner. Creating a consistent brand experience across all digital touchpoints is a challenge, especially given AMAG’s decentralized organizational structure with individual stock corporations and their different communication needs. There are various AMAG websites that are to be standardized and unified.
Browser-based library with standardized web modules
Using standardized web modules and accompanying application guidelines, the aim is to create a consistent online experience with which the AMAG brand can be uniformly experienced across all digital touchpoints. As a basis for this, the so-called Pattern Library, a browser-based library with all common web building blocks (e.g., call-to-action buttons, form fields or image galleries) was developed. The concept for this is based on Brad Frost’s approach of “Atomic Design” and was implemented with the React Styleguidist Framework. Heads found a reliable and competent partner in Nexum AG for the technical implementation of the design in the pattern library.
A uniform brand perception
Thanks to the design building blocks, which comply with CI/CD guidelines and are available as a ready-made front-end component for digital projects, the brand can have a consistent brand presence in all digital contact points – whether in social media channels, via the websites of the various AMAG divisions or via app solutions. Since these modules can be individually combined for each channel, channel-specific needs are considered despite standardization. The consistent brand experience that can be achieved in this way makes it possible to anchor the brand values in the minds of consumers and to differentiate them.
— Brand Experience