A particular target group-specific positioning
Employees with psychological problems because of alcohol, drug or medication abuse are not isolated cases. It is estimated that 3 to 5% of employees in Switzerland are addicted to substances and around 10 to 15% have high-risk consumption behavior. Curaneo was founded in 2016 and specializes in the therapy of working people with addiction problems. The novel day-clinic therapy offer of short duration helps with addiction problems in the workplace and reduces additional costs and personnel for the employer. Heads was commissioned with the development of the name and logo as well as the brand strategy. In addition, a website was to provide sufferers, relatives, and employers with the opportunity to obtain information online quickly, discreetly and without obligation.
Reduced to the essentials
The name says it all. Curaneo is based on the Italian word “curare”, which means “to treat”. The addition of “neo” (from the Greek néos = new) refers to the new approach to treatment.
Heads also developed the brand design for the new institution (logo, printed matter, corporate brochure, trade show booth). The logo, which has been reduced to its essentials, shows several strands running to a node. These can be interpreted as partial aspects of a sustainable solution. The logo runs from left to right, towards a goal that can be achieved together.
The appearance is discreet and informative. Discreet, because psychological problems and addiction in the workplace are a taboo subject, and informative, so that those affected, relatives and employers can obtain comprehensive information without great effort and without obligation. The company brochure and the website also have primarily informative goals. The special features of a day clinic and the mix of outpatient and inpatient treatment are discussed, such as compatibility with jobs and social life. This is done in a language that appeals to potential patients and their private environment as well as to employers and other partner institutions. The presentation of the addiction experts on the website conveys the professionalism of Curaneo. The offer for the corresponding target groups is presented in detail in Q&A-like form. In addition, a blog continuously provides news and further insights on the topic.
Conveying professionalism and discretion
Curaneo’s brand identity has led to clear positioning and differentiation from previous mental health and substance abuse services. The name, logo and literature convey the professionalism and discretion offered. Curaneo was quickly accepted by working people with addiction problems and led to a high utilization rate right from the start. Employers and HR managers also show great interest and benefit from the expertise of the institution.
— Brand Design / Brand Experience